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add context-sensative links to the Help file

By and large, software companies are very bad at explaining their products to their users. They think that that if they explain what a button does, or what a term means, then that is the same as explaining why a user might wish to press that button (or not), or explaining when a term is important or otherwise. So all but the most inexperienced of user knows to avoid Help files, as time wasters and confusers, and then goes onto the forums to ask their dumb questions. So, how about starting a new trend - providing genuine help? Put context-sensitive links on your program to the relevant sections of your Help file. For example, on the tabs that say 'to AVI', 'to MP4', etc, put links to sections that say NOT ONLY what an AVI, MP4 etc is, BUT ALSO when you might think of using/ not using this format.

You know, getting such basic information is INCREDIBLY difficult. Finding webpages that explain things in simple terms is extremely difficult. At my computer club's meeting the other day, somebody was discussing just this problem, and it was agreed that spending $40 on a book that would explain the issues would be an excellent investment. I note that many people making suggestions for WinX DVD want to ADD new features; I ask, what for? I cannot understand more than a few of the ones already here, so why add more to confuse me? I spend many hundreds of dollars a year for software like yours, but I won't spend money on stuff that I have no idea how to use, or, very much more to the point, whether to use. Software with millions of unexplained, presumably useless functions, get passed over. Now, I know by general knowledge what about half of WinX DVD's functions do (i.e., why they might be useful to me), but, so far as your Help file explains, none at all are useful!

Arafurian, 04.09.2011, 05:43
Idea status: under consideration


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